Awards and Grants

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SSSSC Travel Fellowships for Students & Postdoc Members: Travel Grants Guide

Lilo Habersack-RLS-Nachwuchsforscherpreis 2024 – pls. send your application until 31.10.2024 to – for details refer to flyer


Winner of the 2024 Award for the best Clinical Sleep Research:
Jacinthe Cataldi, for the paper Shared EEG correlates
between non REM parasomnia experiences and dreams”

Winner of the 2024 Award for the best Basic Sleep Research:
Maxime Jan for the paper “Model integration of circadian and sleep-wake driven contributions to rhythmic gene expression reveals distinct regulatory principles”

Photo by Irina Filchenko

Elisabeth Hertenstein for the best oral presentation in Clinical Sleep Research

Photo by Irina Filchenko

Rafael Lazar for the best oral presentation in Basic Sleep Research

Photo by Irina Filchenko

Théo Imler for the best poster in Clinical Sleep Research

Yan Yudong for the best poster in Basic Sleep Research

Photo by Irina Filchenko


Winner of the Borbély-Hess Fellowship 2023:
Georgios Foustoukos, for the study The role of defined LC neuronal subgroups projecting to forebrain areas involved in key sleep functions (to Anita Luthi on his behalf)

Winner of the 2023 Award for the best Clinical Sleep Research:
Geoffrey Solelhac, for the paper Pulse wave amplitude drops index: a new biomarker of cardiovascular risk in obstructive sleep apnea

Winner of the 2023 Award for the best Basic Sleep Research:
Mattia Aime, for the paper Paradoxical somatodendritic decoupling supports cortical plasticity during REM sleep

Irina Filchenko for the best oral presentation in Clinical Sleep Research

Gianandrea Broglia for the best oral presentation in Basic Sleep Research

Carlotta Schneider for the poster in Clinical Sleep Research

Sven Leach for the best poster in Basic Sleep Research


Winner of the 2022 Award for the best Basic Sleep Research:
Alejandro Osorio-Forero, for the paper “Noradrenergic circuit control of non-REM sleep

Presented by Paul Franken

Winner of the 2022 Award for the best Clinical Sleep Research:
Aurélie M. Stephan, for the paper “Conscious experiences and high-density EEG
patterns predicting subjective sleep depth”

Presented by Paul Franken

Winner of the 2022 Award for the best Basic Science Poster:
Sophia Snipes, for the poster entitled “Local changes in theta power of the electroencephalogram during cognitive tasks under sleep deprivation”

Presented by Francesca Siclari

Winner of the 2022 Award for the best Clinical Poster:
Nicola Marchi, for the poster entitled “MRI measurement of brain iron content in obstructive sleep apnea: the HypnoLaus study”

Presented by Francesca Siclari

Winner of the 2022 Award for the best Basic Science Data Flash Presentation:
Najma Cherrad, for the paper “Chemogenetic activation of vGluT2-expressing neurons in the nodose ganglion of the left vagus nerve suppresses rapid-eye-movement sleep in mice”

Presented by Thorsten Mikoteit

Winner of the 2022 Award for the best Clinical Science Data Flash Presentation:
Ximena Omlin, for the paper “Sleep and cognition following therapy for insomnia: a randomised, controlled trial of digital cognitive behavioural therapy”

Presented by Thorsten Mikoteit


Winner of the Borbély-Hess Fellowship 2021:
Carolin Reichert, for the study “Retinal mechanisms underlying caffeine effects on the human circadian system”

Winner of the 2021 Award for the best Basic Sleep Research:
Jeffrey Hubbard, for the paper “Rapid fast-delta decay following prolonged
wakefulness marks a phase of wake-inertia in NREM sleep”

Winner of the 2021 Award for the best Clinical Sleep Research:
Georgia Sousouri, for the paper “Sleep Electroencephalographic Asymmetry in Parkinson Disease Patients Before and After Deep Brain Stimulation”

Winner of the 2021 Award for the best data flash presentation:
Sara Pierre-Ferrer, for the paper “Circadian VIPergic neurons of the suprachiasmatic nuclei directly control siesta sleep”

Winner of the 2021 Award for the best poster:
Niklas-Alexander Schneider, for the poster entitled “Does enhancing slow wave activity using auditory stimulation boost the restorative function of sleep?”


Winner of the 2019 Borbély-Hess Fellowship 2019:
Elena Kruglikova, for the study “Proof-of-concept study using closed-loop auditory stimulation during sleep to improve attentional functions in children with ADHD”

Winner of the 2019 Award for the best Basic Sleep Research:
Daniela Latorre (represented by Eric Armentani), for the paper “T cells in patients with narcolepsy target self-antigens of hypocretin neurons”

Winner of the 2019 Award for the best Clinical Sleep Research:
Camila Hirotsu, for the Paper “Obstructive sleep apnoea as a risk factor for incident metabolic syndrome: a joined Episono and HypnoLaus prospective cohorts study”

Winner of the 2019 Award for the best oral presentation:
Yu-Shiuan Lin, for the paper “Daily Caffeine Consumption Reduces Human Grey Matter in Hippocampus Independent of Sleep Pressure”

Winner of the 2019 Award for the best poster:
Romain Cardis, for the poster entitled “Waking up during the night – timing of microarousals in relation to the infraslow oscillation of mouse NREM sleep”


Winner of the 2018 Award for the best Basic Sleep Research:
Sara Fattinger, Children’s Hospital Zürich, for the paper “Deep sleep maintains learning efficiency of the human brain”

Winner of the 2018 Award for the best oral presentation:
Yu-Shiuan Lin, Center for Chronobiology Basel for the paper “Habitual Daily Caffeine Consumption and its Cessation Changes Human Grey Matter Independent from the Effect of Cerebral Blood Flow: A Multimodal Study”

Winner of the 2018 Award for the best poster:
Sandro Lecci, University Hospital Lausanne for the poster entitled “Feeling awake while asleep: a high-density EEG assessment of sleep perception”


Winner of the Fellowship 2017: Ben Collins, Zürich for the study on “the circadian clock and sleep”

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